Cost of food & drink in Armenia and Yerevan
Street food - cheap lunch in Yerevan
- Biscuits, bread 0,15 - 0,30 USD = 60 - 120 AMD
- Sandwiches 0,89 USD = 350 AMD
- Hot Dog 0,63 USD = 250 AMD
- Ice Cream from 0,20 USD = 80 AMD
- Coffee and tea 0,25 USD = 100 AMD
- Fresh juices from 1,3 USD = 500 AMD
- water from the soda machine 0,25 USD = 100 AMD
What you can eat on the street and how much it costs
sandwiches and hot dogs
Ice cream soft
ice cream
Tea, coffee
Juices menu
How much it cost to eat at tavern for locals
Popular small restaurants. The cost is usually in the range of 0,63 - 3,04 USD = 250 - 1200 AMD for a dish
- Pancakes variety 1,3 USD = 500 AMD
- Fruit cocktails 1,8 - 3 USD = 700 - 1200 AMD
- Pizza 5,1 - 12,7 USD = 2 000 - 5 000 AMD
- Alcoholic cocktails 5,1 - 8,9 USD = 2 000 - 3 500 AMD
Cost of meals at a restaurant for locals
Have a dinner in inexpensive cafe
Various desserts
Restaurants for tourists
Restaurant "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Would like to mention stunningly decorated restaurant "Prisoner of the Caucasus."
Prices are moderate. All the details on the website of the restaurant:
Restaurant "ARARAT»
The famous Soviet-era restaurant "Ararat". Only here in the center of Yerevan on Saturdays you can
for a modest fee to see the real national dances.Cost 50 USD which includes national Armenian dinner.
The coordinates of the restaurant: 40.178551, 44.512544.
Restaurant Prisoner of the Caucasus outside
Restaurant Prisoner of the Caucasus within
Restaurant Ararat
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