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Budapest eatery and restaurant prices

Street food in Hungary

On the street, mostly you will be offered baking. Popular Hungarian kyurtoshkalach - batter fried on coals with the addition of various powders. In the tourist center richer choice: potatoes, chicken, peppers, pork, pickles.The cost varies around 1,1 - 1,6 USD = 400 - 600 HUF per 100 gr.

  • Kartoshalach 0,94 USD = 350 HUF
  • Sandwich - tapas 0,67 - 0,81 USD = 250 - 300 HUF
  • A large flat cake with meat 1,3 USD = 500 HUF
  • Herbal Tea 1,6 USD = 600 HUF
  • A glass of wine 2,4 USD = 900 HUF
  • Strudel 1,6 USD = 600 HUF
  • Ice Cream from 0,67 USD = 250 HUF

Photos of street food in Budapest

Street food in Budapest, snacks - sandwiches
snacks - sandwiches
Street food in Budapest, Cakes with filling
Cakes with filling
Street food in Budapest, Fries kurtoshkalach
Fries kurtoshkalach
Street food in Hungary, Hungarian kyurtoshkalach
Hungarian kyurtoshkalach
Street food in Hungary, Street food in Budapest
Street food in Budapest
Street food in Hungary, Strudel
Street food in Hungary, Ice cream
Ice cream

Compare with Romania prices

How much does fast food cost

  • A couple of sandwiches 1,2 USD = 450 HUF
  • Lunch take out 4 USD = 1 500 HUF
  • A large hamburger 2,7 USD = 1000 HUF
  • Grilled meat, french fries and salad 3,8 USD = 1 400 HUF
  • Subway day discount 1,9 USD = 690 HUF (per half)
  • Dishes of Kebab from 2,7 USD = 1000 HUF
  • Desserts from 1,1 USD = 400 HUF
Food prices in Budapest, Sandwiches
Food prices in Budapest, Lunches from McDonald's
Lunches from McDonald's
Food prices in Budapest, Hamburgers
Food prices in Budapest, Grill dinners
Grill dinners
Meals in Hungary, Turkish cuisine
Turkish cuisine
Meals in Hungary, Subway menu
Subway menu
Food in Hungary, Kabab

Prices in KFC

  • Twister 2,6 USD = 950 HUF
  • Zinger 2,4 USD = 890 HUF
  • Hot wings 2 USD = 750 HUF
  • Strips 1,6 USD = 600 HUF
  • Classic 1,9 USD = 700 HUF

What is the cost to eat at McDonald's

  • Big Mac 2,4 USD = 890 HUF
  • Mac Chicken 2,4 USD = 880 HUF
  • Drink 1,2 USD = 430 HUF
  • Wrap 2,6 USD = 970 HUF
  • Breakfast set from 1,5 USD = 560 HUF
Meals in Hungary, Prices in KFC
Prices in KFC
Meals in Hungary, Prices in McDonald
Prices in McDonald

What are the prices in cheap taverns for locals

Hungarian cuisine

  • A large plate of goulash 3,8 USD = 1 400 HUF
  • Soup with meatballs 1,2 USD = 450 HUF
  • Large meat dishes 6,2 USD = 2 300 HUF
  • Chicken Breast with Vegetables 4 USD = 1 500 HUF
  • Hungarian lecho with sausages and egg barley 4 USD = 1 500 HUF
  • Beef with pasta 4,6 USD = 1 700 HUF
prices in Budapest in restaurants, Soup goulash
Soup goulash
prices in Budapest in restaurants, Beef with garnish
Beef with garnish
prices in Budapest in restaurants, Fried beef with vegetables
Fried beef with vegetables
prices in Budapest in restaurants, Traditional Hungarian lecho
Traditional Hungarian lecho
prices in Budapest in restaurants, Beef with pasta
Beef with pasta

Inexpensive restaurant

  • Gulash 1,7 USD = 620 HUF
  • Salads 3 - 5,4 USD = 1 100 - 2 000 HUF
  • meat dishes 4,6 - 8,1 USD = 1 700 - 3 000 HUF
  • Complex dinner at a Turkish cafe 2,7 USD = 1000 HUF
Food prices in Budapest, Inexpensive restaurant - menu
Inexpensive restaurant - menu
Food prices in Budapest, Restaurant outside
Restaurant outside
Food prices in Budapest, Turkish lunches
Turkish lunches

Chinese restaurants

  • Chicken rice 1,2 - 1,6 USD = 430 - 590 HUF
  • Meat and rice 1,4 - 1,9 USD = 530 - 720 HUF
  • Duck with rice 1,7 - 2,3 USD = 620 - 850 HUF

The cost of lunch in a food court

  • Sets: salad plus water from 1,9 USD = 690 HUF
  • Turkish dishes from 2 USD = 750 HUF
eating cost in Hungary, Food Court at the mall
Food Court at the mall
eating cost in Hungary, Prices in food court
Prices in food court
eating cost in Budapest, Turkish cuisine
Turkish cuisine

In a pub

  • Gin 0,56 USD = 210 HUF
  • Tequila 0,75 USD = 280 HUF
  • Coffee 0,51 USD = 190 HUF
  • Tea 0,67 USD = 250 HUF
  • Beer from 1 USD = 390 HUF
  • Coca-Cola 0,75 USD = 280 HUF

Compare with Czech prices

Prices in a cafe for tourists

  • Coffee, tea from 1,3 USD = 500 HUF
  • Menu "Breakfast" from 2,4 USD = 900 HUF
  • Cakes 1,3 USD = 500 HUF
  • Desserts 1,1 USD = 400 HUF
  • Water 1,1 USD = 400 HUF
  • Beer 1,7 USD = 650 HUF
  • Wine 1,6 USD = 600 HUF
  • Sandwich 1,7 USD = 650 HUF
  • Hamburger 2,8 USD = 1 050 HUF
Meals in Hungary, Prices in a restaurant
Prices in a restaurant
Restaurant prices in Hungary, Desserts in a cafe in Budapest
Desserts in a cafe in Budapest
Food and drinks cost in Hungary, Burgers restaurant
Burgers restaurant

Dinner at a restaurant

  • Main dishes 5,9 USD = 2 200 HUF
  • Snacks 4 USD = 1 500 HUF
  • Soups 2,6 USD = 950 HUF
Meals in Hungary, Main courses
Main courses
Meals in Hungary, Tourist restaurant
Tourist restaurant
Meals in Hungary, Restaurant menu
Restaurant menu

Read more:

  • - Restaurants and cafes
  • Grocery stores prices examples
  • Transportation
  • Attractions and hotels
  • Archive of prices 2012
  • Prices worldwide


    Share new pricing information in Hungary and report bugs:

    Please, submit prices and photos to the group on Facebook
    BazsBazs 2022-08-20
    Multiply it by 3 at least.
    Cheers from hungary

    Karen Rogers 2023-08-18
    My family is there

    Karen Rogers 2023-08-18

    Binta Bah 2023-11-20
    Can you please send me a price list that is currently used?

    Dezso Farkas 2023-11-18
    What info is wrong

    Judith Toma 2022-09-06
    What type of dry cereal available in grocery stores , will visit from

    Marcus m 2021-09-14
    Thank you guys for this info very help full will be seeing the country soon

    exploring beings 2021-05-11
    Thanks for a nice itinerary, I’m planning a visit to Budapest and hope to follow your advice.

    Akhil singh 2019-11-19
    One plate pizza price


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