Prices in New Zealand for transport
Buses, trains, taxis in Auckland
- Bus from the airport 11,4 USD = 20 NZD
- A Taxi from the airport 34,2 USD = 60 NZD
- Travel on the tour bus for the whole day 17,1 USD = 30 NZD
- Bus ride costs 0,68 - 1,71 USD = 1.20 - 3.00 NZD
- Bus travel card for 1 month 45,7 USD = 80.00 NZD
- Travel card on any transportation for 1 month 128,4 USD = 225 NZD
- Travel by train to the nearby town (3-4 hours) 17,1 - 28,5 USD = 30 - 50 NZD
- A taxi ride is about 0,57 USD = 1 NZD for landing and 2,3 - 2,9 USD = 4 - 5 NZD per kilometre
Approximate prices for used cars with mileage
- Toyota HILUX SR5 the age of 17 years, mileage 209000km 5 706,4 USD = 10 000 NZD
- Toyota celica, age 15 years, mileage 94500km 5 135,8 USD = 9 000 NZD
- Toyota vitz, 8 years, mileage 78000km 4 108,6 USD = 7 200 NZD
- Toyota COROLLA FIELDER S, 7 years, mileage 107000km 1800cc 6 214,3 USD = 10 890 NZD
- Toyota Corolla Fielder G, 8 years, mileage 93,922km 1500cc, Automatic 4 508,1 USD = 7 900 NZD
The prices were obtained from the Bulletin boards:
Rent a car
Examples of prices from international rental companies. For full insurance without a franchise, a surcharge of 10,8 USD = 10 EUR per day
- Toyota corolla, AT 17,3 USD = 16 EUR
- Hyndai i30, AT 19,5 USD = 18 EUR
Compare car rental prices at various rental companies and book a car with the world’s largest international service Rentalcars
Car expenses in new Zealand
- Obligatory insurance is absent
- Driver licence exams, the theory 55,9 USD = 98
- Driver licence exams, driving practice 55,9 USD = 98 NZD
- Registration (essentially a tax on the vehicle), depends on the car, can be for example 171,2 USD = 300 NZD in a year
- The inspection, once a year and once in half-year (over 6 years) 11,4 - 17,1 USD = 20 - 30 NZD
Examples of car fines in New Zealand
- The penalty for overdue of the inspection or registration 114,1 USD = 200 NZD
- For excess of speed is less than 10 km/h. - cameras and the police usually closes his eyes, but could also be fined
- A Fine for speeding up to 10 km/h. 17,1 USD = 30 NZD
- For excess of more than 10 km/h. 45,7 USD = 80 NZD on the rise up to the deprivation of licence.
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Potatoes are 2.99 NZD per Kg
Cream 3.99 minimum
Salad at a supermarket 3.99 NZD
Toilet paper about $6 for 12
Not sure where these prices are coming from but they're wrong. NZ is a disgusting rip off.
Lamb/ goat price was missing if you can add up
This is wasif from india.
Wanted to work in new Zealand in any sector like grocery shop in cafe or lounge any position plz give a way to go.
Coz consultancy people are fraud that's the reason i search in google directly