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New Zealand

Prices in New Zealand for transport

Buses, trains, taxis in Auckland

  • Bus from the airport 11,4 USD = 20 NZD
  • A Taxi from the airport 34,2 USD = 60 NZD
  • Travel on the tour bus for the whole day 17,1 USD = 30 NZD
  • Bus ride costs 0,68 - 1,71 USD = 1.20 - 3.00 NZD
  • Bus travel card for 1 month 45,7 USD = 80.00 NZD
  • Travel card on any transportation for 1 month 128,4 USD = 225 NZD
  • Travel by train to the nearby town (3-4 hours) 17,1 - 28,5 USD = 30 - 50 NZD
  • A taxi ride is about 0,57 USD = 1 NZD for landing and 2,3 - 2,9 USD = 4 - 5 NZD per kilometre

Approximate prices for used cars with mileage

  • Toyota HILUX SR5 the age of 17 years, mileage 209000km 5 706,4 USD = 10 000 NZD
  • Toyota celica, age 15 years, mileage 94500km 5 135,8 USD = 9 000 NZD
  • Toyota vitz, 8 years, mileage 78000km 4 108,6 USD = 7 200 NZD
  • Toyota COROLLA FIELDER S, 7 years, mileage 107000km 1800cc 6 214,3 USD = 10 890 NZD
  • Toyota Corolla Fielder G, 8 years, mileage 93,922km 1500cc, Automatic 4 508,1 USD = 7 900 NZD

The prices were obtained from the Bulletin boards:

Rent a car

Examples of prices from international rental companies. For full insurance without a franchise, a surcharge of 10,8 USD = 10 EUR per day

  • Toyota corolla, AT 17,3 USD = 16 EUR
  • Hyndai i30, AT 19,5 USD = 18 EUR

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Car expenses in new Zealand

  • Obligatory insurance is absent
  • Driver licence exams, the theory 55,9 USD = 98 NZD
  • Driver licence exams, driving practice 55,9 USD = 98 NZD
  • Registration (essentially a tax on the vehicle), depends on the car, can be for example 171,2 USD = 300 NZD in a year
  • The inspection, once a year and once in half-year (over 6 years) 11,4 - 17,1 USD = 20 - 30 NZD

Examples of car fines in New Zealand

  • The penalty for overdue of the inspection or registration 114,1 USD = 200 NZD
  • For excess of speed is less than 10 km/h. - cameras and the police usually closes his eyes, but could also be fined
  • A Fine for speeding up to 10 km/h. 17,1 USD = 30 NZD
  • For excess of more than 10 km/h. 45,7 USD = 80 NZD on the rise up to the deprivation of licence.

Read more:

  • Grocery food prices
  • Auckland and Wellington cafes and restaurants
  • Attractions prices
  • Services costs
  • Apartments, houses
  • - Cars, public transportation
  • Prices worldwide

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    Please, submit prices and photos to the group on Facebook
    Adebayo Abdulazeez 2022-07-30
    Pls is newzealand cruise ship boder open

    Adebayo Abdulazeez A 2022-07-30
    Am from Nigeria am coming to newzealand ,I hold my visitor Visa, I need a place to work and how my visa will change to working visa by my place of work and how to have a place to stay

    Felix 2022-11-14
    Please can you email I would love to ask you something very important from Nigeria as well

    Falayi odunayo 2021-07-17
    Currently,I'm with new Zealand visitor visa.searching for way out since i had borders were close. Kindly help me out,how to get new Zealand resident while entry with e-visa. Thanks

    Falayi odunayo 2021-07-17
    Currently,I'm with new Zealand visitor visa.searching for way out since i had borders were close. Kindly help me out,how to get new Zealand resident while entry with e-visa. Thanks

    Franklin 2021-06-25
    I'm a forklift driver I want to live in new Zealand but I'm scared of fraud any help this is my Gmail. Weather

    Gerhard 2022-06-14
    Contact immigration New Zealand. It's safe, cause they are handling my visa application

    Tanya 2021-12-10
    Hi there, Nz is pretty safe country, safer than most. You can move forward with caution as you would moving to any new country.

    Jade 2021-06-02
    Peppers are 4NZD each everywhere
    Potatoes are 2.99 NZD per Kg
    Cream 3.99 minimum
    Salad at a supermarket 3.99 NZD
    Toilet paper about $6 for 12
    Not sure where these prices are coming from but they're wrong. NZ is a disgusting rip off.

    Mia 2021-01-02
    Hi I am living in Auckland, this price must be 5,10 years ago. Most of price now is much higher.Living cost in New Zealand is increasing very fast.

    Karrlozz 2021-05-04

    Kal 2021-01-23
    Yeah, I agree! Add a third onto the prices if you want to know the real price!

    Shaiz bin Qamar 2020-12-27
    Very clear and we'll explained information ,

    Lamb/ goat price was missing if you can add up

    Wasif hossain 2020-10-09
    This is wasif from india.
    Wanted to work in new Zealand in any sector like grocery shop in cafe or lounge any position plz give a way to go.
    Coz consultancy people are fraud that's the reason i search in google directly

    TERESA CASTREZANA 2020-04-05



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