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The costs of groceries in Slovakia in Bratislava

Cost of vegetables at stores for 1 kg

  • Tomatoes 1,6 - 1,9 USD = 1.5 - 1.8 EUR
  • Cucumbers 1,6 USD = 1.5 EUR
  • Peppers 3,8 USD = 3.6 EUR
  • onion 0,68 USD = 0.65 EUR
  • Cabbage 0,73 - 1,26 USD = 0.7 - 1.2 EUR
  • Apples 1,7 - 1,9 USD = 1.6 - 1.8 EUR
  • Pears 1,6 - 2,9 USD = 1.5 - 2.8 EUR
  • Watermelon 1,5 USD = 1.4 EUR for
  • Oranges 1,6 USD = 1.5 EUR
  • Potatoes 0,56 USD = 0.53 EUR
Prices for food in Slovakia, Tomatoes
Prices for food in Slovakia, Cucumbers and peppers
Cucumbers and peppers
Prices for food in Slovakia, Cabbage
Prices for food in Slovakia, Apples
Prices for food in Slovakia, Pears

Dairy products

  • Yogurt 145 gr. 0,44 USD = 0.42 EUR
  • Milk 1 liter 1,4 USD = 1.29 EUR
  • Oil 250g 1,9 USD = 1.8 EUR
  • Cheeses 7,3 - 13,6 USD = 7 - 13 EUR per 1 kg
Grocery prices in Slovakia, Yoghurts
Grocery prices in Slovakia, Yogurt activia
Yogurt activia
Grocery prices in Slovakia, Milk
Grocery prices in Slovakia, Oil
Grocery prices in Slovakia, Cheeses
Grocery prices, More cheese
More cheese

Prices for meat and fish in Bratislava at a supermarket

  • Salmon fillets 17,8 USD = 17 EUR per 1 kg
  • Pork fillet 4,2 - 5,2 USD = 4 - 5 EUR per 1 kilogram
  • Beef fillet 9,4 USD = 9 EUR
  • Selected beef for steaks 18,9 USD = 18 EUR
  • Minced meat 7,3 USD = 7 EUR
  • Chicken breasts 5,2 - 6,3 USD = 5 - 6 EUR
Cost of food in Bratislava, Salmon fillet
Salmon fillet
Cost of food in Bratislava, Pork fillet
Pork fillet
Cost of food in Bratislava, beef
Cost of food in Bratislava, Selected meat
Selected meat
Cost of food in Bratislava, Minced meat
Minced meat

Various foods in a supermarket

  • ham 1 - 1,6 USD = 1 - 1.5 EUR per 100 gr.
  • Smoked sausage 0,68 - 1,05 USD = 0.65 - 1 EUR per 100gr
  • Salami 10,5 - 15,7 USD = 10 - 15 EUR
  • 10 eggs 1,3 - 1,8 USD = 1.25 - 1.7 EUR
  • Baking 0,31 - 0,52 USD = 0.3 - 0.5 EUR
  • buns 0,16 - 0,22 USD = 0.15 - 0.21 EUR
  • Macaroni 0,37 - 1,57 USD = 0.35 - 1.5 EUR
  • Chocolate 1,2 USD = 1.19 EUR per 100gr
  • Water 0,36 USD = 0.34 EUR per 2 liters
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Eggs
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Salami
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Baking
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Buns
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Ham
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Smoked sausages
Smoked sausages
Grocery prices in Slovakia in Bratislava, Juices

How much is ready meal

  • Meat chops 1,9 USD = 1.8 EUR per 100gr
  • Salads 0,37 - 0,89 USD = 0.35 - 0.85 EUR per 100gr
Grocery prices in Bratislava, Finished food - meat
Finished food - meat
Grocery prices in Bratislava, Ready-made food salads
Ready-made food salads
Grocery prices in Bratislava, Breakfast cereals
Breakfast cereals

Prices for alcohol

  • Beer costs 0,73 - 1,05 USD = 0.7 - 1 EUR
Prices for alcohol in Slovakia, Beer Pilsner
Beer Pilsner
The cost of alcohol in Bratislava, Beer Staropramen
Beer Staropramen

Read more:

  • Restaurant prices
  • - Food prices at grocery stores
  • Local and intercity transportation
  • Atrractions prices examples
  • Archive of prices 2012y.
  • Prices worldwide

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